2️⃣2️⃣ Environment setup

This guide will help you set up the kinto-core repository and the rest of your developer environment.

Kinto supports Foundry, Hardhat, and Truffe. You can pick one and follow the instructions in this section to install it.

The rest of this documentation assumes Foundry and Forge/Cast.

1. Clone the repo

To start, execute git clone for our main repository kinto-core. This repository contains all of the smart contracts of the project and most importantly some scripts and helpers to interact with the chain.

git clone git@github.com:KintoXYZ/kinto-core.git

2. Installing dependencies and running the tests

Make sure that foundry CLI is installed and run the following:

forge test
... when the script finishes, you should see ...

Ran X test suites: Y tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (Z total tests)

3. Setup your env file

Set your .env variables next:

cp .env.sample .env

Fill (at least) the following variables:

KINTO_DEV_KEY= //Private key for your deployer EOA
KINTO_WALLET= //Kinto wallet public address
KINTO_WALLET_SIGNER_KEY= //EOA signer of your Kinto Wallet

4. Setting up a remote chain (optional)

You can develop using forge tests directly.

When you are ready to test things in a natural environment, we recommend using Anvil to fork mainnet and work against it.

More information about the complete process can be found on the repositories README.

anvil -f <KINTO_REMOTE_URL> --fork-block-number <OPTIONAL_BLOCK>

Copy your local fork URL and override KINTO_RPC_URL with your fork.

Last updated