Kinto Wallet

Deployment Address

Mainnet implementation: 0x51c676fC24C776eBcb78B8ca3e6Ca2E810Dd6B80

Code: KintoWallet.sol

Interface: IKintoWallet.sol


  • Executes transactions according to the Account Abstraction standard.

  • Validates user operations signatures.

  • Manages signers and signers policy.

  • The emergency recovery process can be triggered through a unique signer.

  • Approves applications explicitly.

  • Manages the funder whitelist.

  • Implements an insurance policy system.

State functions

initialize(address anOwner, address _recoverer) external virtual initializer onlyFactory

execute(address dest, uint256 value, bytes calldata func) external override

executeBatch(address[] calldata dest, uint256[] calldata values, bytes[] calldata func) external override

setSignerPolicy(uint8 newPolicy) public override onlySelf

resetSigners(address[] calldata newSigners, uint8 newPolicy) external override onlySelf

setFunderWhitelist(address[] calldata newWhitelist, bool[] calldata flags) external override onlySelf

whitelistApp(address[] calldata apps, bool[] calldata flags) external override onlySelf

setAppKey(address app, address signer) public override onlySelf

whitelistAppAndSetKey(address app, address signer) external override onlySelf

startRecovery() external override onlyFactory

completeRecovery(address[] calldata newSigners) external override onlyFactory

changeRecoverer(address newRecoverer) external override onlyFactory

cancelRecovery() public override onlySelf

setInsurancePolicy(uint256 newPolicy, address paymentToken) external override onlySelf

1. initialize (Factory only)

Initializes the KintoWallet with an owner and a recoverer.

function initialize(address anOwner, address _recoverer) external virtual initializer onlyFactory;

2. execute (EntryPoint only)

Executes a transaction.

function execute(address dest, uint256 value, bytes calldata func) external override;

3. executeBatch (EntryPoint only)

Executes a batch of transactions.

function executeBatch(address[] calldata dest, uint256[] calldata values, bytes[] calldata func) external override;

4. setSignerPolicy (only callable by Wallet itself)

Sets the signer policy of the wallet.

function setSignerPolicy(uint8 newPolicy) public override onlySelf;

5. resetSigners (only callable by Wallet itself)

Resets the signers of the wallet.

function resetSigners(address[] calldata newSigners, uint8 newPolicy) external override onlySelf;

6. setFunderWhitelist (only callable by Wallet itself)

Sets the funder whitelist.

function setFunderWhitelist(address[] calldata newWhitelist, bool[] calldata flags) external override onlySelf;

7. whitelistApp (only callable by Wallet itself)

Sets the app whitelist.

function whitelistApp(address[] calldata apps, bool[] calldata flags) external override onlySelf;

8. setAppKey (only callable by Wallet itself)

Sets the app key for a specific app.

function setAppKey(address app, address signer) public override onlySelf;

9. whitelistAppAndSetKey (only callable by Wallet itself)

Whitelists an app and sets its app key.

function whitelistAppAndSetKey(address app, address signer) external override onlySelf;

10. startRecovery (only callable by Wallet Factory)

Starts the recovery process.

function startRecovery() external override onlyFactory;

No parameters.

11. completeRecovery (only callable by Wallet Factory)

Completes the recovery process and resets the signers.

function completeRecovery(address[] calldata newSigners) external override onlyFactory;

12. changeRecoverer (only callable by Wallet Factory)

Changes the recoverer.

function changeRecoverer(address newRecoverer) external override onlyFactory;

13. cancelRecovery (only callable by Wallet itself)

Cancels the recovery process.

function cancelRecovery() public override onlySelf;

No parameters.

14. setInsurancePolicy (only callable by Wallet itself)

Sets the insurance policy for the wallet.

function setInsurancePolicy(uint256 newPolicy, address paymentToken) external override onlySelf;

View Functions

isFunderWhitelisted(address funder) external view override returns (bool)

entryPoint() public view virtual override returns (IEntryPoint)

getNonce() public view virtual override(BaseAccount, IKintoWallet) returns (uint256)

getOwnersCount() external view override returns (uint256)

getOwners() external view override returns (address[] memory)

getInsurancePrice(uint256 newPolicy, address paymentToken) public pure override returns (uint256)

1. isFunderWhitelisted

Checks if a funder is whitelisted.

function isFunderWhitelisted(address funder) external view override returns (bool);

2. entryPoint

Returns the entry point of the wallet.

function entryPoint() public view virtual override returns (IEntryPoint);

No parameters.

3. getNonce

Gets the current nonce of the wallet.

function getNonce() public view virtual override(BaseAccount, IKintoWallet) returns (uint256);

No parameters.

4. getOwnersCount

Returns the count of owners of the wallet.

function getOwnersCount() external view override returns (uint256);

No parameters.

5. getOwners

Returns an array of the wallet's owners.

function getOwners() external view override returns (address[] memory);

No parameters.

6. getInsurancePrice

Returns the price of the insurance policy.

function getInsurancePrice(uint256 newPolicy, address paymentToken) public pure override returns (uint256);

Last updated