KIP Proposal Template
Please use the following Google Doc Template when creating a proposal.
Abstract - Two or three sentences that summarize the KIP.
Category - It must belong to one or more categories detailed below.
Motivation - A statement on why the Kinto community should implement the KIP.
Rationale - A brief explanation (few paragraphs) of how the KIP aligns with the Kinto community's mission and guiding values.
Key Terms (optional) - Definitions of any terms within the proposal that are unique, new to the Kinto community, and/or industry-specific.
Specifications - A detailed breakdown of the platforms and technologies used.
Steps to Implement - The steps to implement the KIP, including associated costs, manpower, and other resources for each step where applicable. To avoid doubt, any KIPs involving transactions with third parties (such as grants) must also ensure that appropriate legal documentation and procedures are included.
Timeline - Relevant timing details, including but not limited to start date, milestones, and completion dates.
Overall Cost - The total cost of implementing the KIP.
As a recommended guideline, the KIP author can add additional fields to any template if necessary to fully communicate the KIP's intentions, specifics, and implications.
Each KIP must also clearly specify which Governed Chain(s) it will affect (this may be defined by code, data, or text, as appropriate for the specific KIP).
Resubmitted KIPs
As a recommended guideline, resubmitted KIPs should also include:
A link to the original KIP;
Reasons such original KIP was not approved;
Changes that have been made and why it should now be approved; and
Any additional fields to any template, if necessary, to fully communicate the changes made and the intentions, specifics, and implications of such resubmitted KIP.
Process: Modifies the text or procedures of this Constitution and, so long as The Kinto Foundation exists, the Amended & Restated Memorandum and Articles of Association and the Amended & Restated Bylaws of The Kinto Foundation.
Software upgrade: Installs or modifies software on Kinto or any other chain where Kinto contracts are deployed.
Core: Takes any action that requires "chain owner" permission on any chain.
Funding: Requests funds/grants or otherwise propose how to spend or allocate funds from the DAO Treasury and, so long as The Kinto Foundation exists, the Administrative Budget Wallet as defined in the The Kinto Foundation’s Amended & Restated Bylaws.
Informational: Provides general guidelines or information to the community but does not otherwise propose a new feature or update.
Last updated