Deployment Address:
Mainnet: 0x5A2b641b84b0230C8e75F55d5afd27f4Dbd59d5b
Interface: IKintoAppRegistry.sol
The easiest way to register a new app is to use the registerApp
method. It registers a new app and mints the NFT to the creator.
For example, if you want to register a new app, you can call:
App Limits
Every app has limits that define its rate and gas usage.
The following limits will be used to define the app's properties.
Name | Number |
RATE_LIMIT_PERIOD | 1 minute |
GAS_LIMIT_PERIOD | 30 days |
GAS_LIMIT_THRESHOLD | 0.01 ether |
Using the following call method, you can quickly check an app's limits:
Sponsored Contracts
Apps can sponsor other contracts, allowing them to operate under their limits.
For example, to check whether a contract is sponsored by an app:
State Functions
Privileged roles can call the following functions.
1. registerApp
This function registers a new app and mints the NFT to the creator. Only KYC verified addresses can call this function.
Parameter | Type | Explanation |
appName | string calldata | The name of the app |
parentContract | address | The address of the parent contract |
appContracts | address[] calldata | The addresses of the child contracts |
appLimits | uint256[4] calldata | The limits of the app |
devEOAs | address[] calldata | The addresses of developer EOAs |
2. updateMetadata
This function updates the metadata of an app. Only the app developer can call this function.
Parameter | Type | Explanation |
appName | string calldata | The name of the app |
parentContract | address | The address of the parent contract |
appContracts | address[] calldata | The addresses of the child contracts |
appLimits | uint256[4] calldata | The limits of the app |
devEOAs | address[] calldata | The addresses of developer EOAs |
3. setSponsoredContracts
This function sets the sponsored contracts for an app. Only the app developer or contract owner can call this function.
Parameter | Type | Explanation |
_app | address | The address of the app |
_contracts | address[] calldata | The addresses of the contracts |
_flags | bool[] calldata | The flags of the contracts |
4. enableDSA
This function enables DSA for an app. Only the contract owner can call this function.
Parameter | Type | Explanation |
app | address | The address of the app |
5. overrideChildToParentContract
This function allows the owner to override the parent contract of a child contract.
Parameter | Type | Explanation |
child | address | The address of the child contract |
parent | address | The address of the parent contract |
6. updateSystemContracts
This function updates the system contracts array. Only the contract owner can call this function.
Parameter | Type | Explanation |
newSystemContracts | address[] calldata | The new array of system contracts |
7. updateSystemApps
This function updates the system apps array. Only the contract owner can call this function.
Parameter | Type | Explanation |
newSystemApps | address[] calldata | The new array of system apps |
8. updateReservedContracts
This function updates the reserved contracts array. Only the contract owner can call this function.
Parameter | Type | Explanation |
newReservedContracts | address[] calldata | The new array of reserved contracts |
9. setDeployerEOA
This function sets the deployer EOA for a wallet. Can be called by the wallet itself or the contract owner.
Parameter | Type | Explanation |
wallet | address | The address of the wallet |
deployer | address | The address of the deployer EOA |
View Functions
Anyone can call the following functions without a transaction to retrieve information from the contract.
1. name
This function gets the token name.
Parameter | Type | Explanation |
Returns the token name |
2. symbol
This function gets the token symbol.
Parameter | Type | Explanation |
Returns the token symbol |
3. getAppMetadata
This function returns the metadata of the app.
Parameter | Type | Explanation |
_contract | address | The address of the app |
4. getContractLimits
This function returns the limits of the app.
Parameter | Type | Explanation |
_contract | address | The address of the app |
5. isSponsored
This function checks whether a contract is sponsored by an app.
Parameter | Type | Explanation |
_app | address | The address of the app |
_contract | address | The address of the contract |
6. getSponsor
This function returns the sponsoring contract for a given contract.
Parameter | Type | Explanation |
_contract | address | The address of the contract |
7. supportsInterface
Returns whether the contract implements the interface defined by the id
Parameter | Type | Explanation |
interfaceId | bytes4 | id of the interface to be checked |
8. isContractCallAllowedFromEOA
This function determines if a contract call is allowed from an EOA (Externally Owned Account).
Parameter | Type | Explanation |
from | address | The address of the EOA initiating the call |
to | address | The address of the contract being called |
This function checks various conditions to decide if an EOA can call a specific contract, including system contracts, linked wallets, dev mode, KYC status, and more.
9. getSystemContracts
This function returns the array of system contracts.
No parameters.
10. getSystemApps
This function returns the array of system apps.
No parameters.
11. getReservedContracts
This function returns the array of reserved contracts.
No parameters.
12. isSystemApp
This function checks if an address is a system app.
Parameter | Type | Explanation |
app | address | The address to check |
13. isReservedContract
This function checks if an address is a reserved contract.
Parameter | Type | Explanation |
contract | address | The address to check |
Last updated