πŸ’ΈKinto Withdrawals

Withdrawals and deposits on Kinto are now available thanks to our implementation of Socket's Super Bridge.

Users can withdraw from Kinto into one of the following destination chains:


ETH Mainnet

wstETH, weETH, sUSDe, ENA, sDAI,

Arbitrum One

wstETH, weETH,


wstETH, weETH

If you don't have any ETH on your Kinto wallet to withdraw, please follow the steps here to deposit some.

Let's see how to do this step by step:

  1. Go to your portfolio: https://engen.kinto.xyz/portfolio and click on the asset you wish to withdraw

  1. In the asset page, you will see your position and options to deposit/withdraw

  1. Click on withdraw:

  1. Choose your destination chain, in this case we are going to withdraw weETH to Base

  1. Select the amount to withdraw and the destination wallet (be aware that destination wallets are limited to the signers you added to your Kinto Wallet). (If you have not yet you may be required to deposit a bit of ETH/WETH)

  1. Select carefully the address you want to withdraw to (your external wallet):

  1. Click on withdraw:

  1. Sign your transaction (a passkey signing prompt will appear)

  1. Your funds will be available in 3-5 mins in your selected destination chain/address


  • Once you withdraw you will notice that your tokens in Kinto will be sent to 0x address (being burned) this is the intended behavior for the bridge. Your tokens will appear on the destination changes in 5-6 minutes.

Last updated